About ISSM

ISSM is an international direct marketing think tank residing on-line. Our Fellows are dedicated to producing credible and worthwhile knowledge for and about the international direct marketing and database marketing industry.

The ISSM began in 1991 as the North American Society for Strategic Marketing.  14 Direct marketing leaders were selected as Senior Fellows. In 1995, with rising interest in the internet, the NASSM was renamed the International Society for Strategic Marketing. The relatively low cost of publishing via the Web allowed us to recreate the think tank on-line.

The membership has continued to grow steadily. This week members were added in  United Arab Emirates and Belarus bringing the number of countries represented to 173.

We have improved the web site so members can directly access all articles (rather than writing to have them sent). We are also working with several direct marketing leaders to expand the range of services provided by ISSM. In 2017 we are hoping to offer a very limited symposium for fellows and interested members.  This year we are building a series of on-line courses.