7 Rules for Marketing Testing Today – Grant Johnson

During rough economic times, it’s easy for those who control the budget to say that if response rates are down, they don’t want to invest in testing—”You can’t spend money if you’re not making money.” To certain executives, this actually makes sense. But others, the wise ones, know that the time to spend more marketing dollars is when sales are down.

It’s true that there is a risk involved in testing new ideas in an effort to “beat the control” and increase response rates. Testing takes an investment in time and resources, often including additional funds. However, the outcome is often worth the risk.

You want to test, not only to increase your ROI, but also to learn. The more you know about what works the best, the better you can market to segments that emerge as your marketing programs evolve.

1. Start With the Basics
It’s imperative to go back to the basics. Think about your business and marketing Continue reading

Direct vs On-Line Marketing

A short overview from Australia.

The main dilemma for many small businesses is what kind of marketing strategy would best promote their services and products, while at the same time fit their often limited budget. The world of marketing is divided into two main methods of advertising: direct mail and online mail marketing, both of which come with unique advantages and drawbacks.

While many big corporations take advantage of both marketing strategies, the budget of small companies unfortunately limits them to either one or the other, never both. The main question that you need to ask yourself is “Which marketing method has a better chance at helping me stay competitive on the business scene and attract more customers?” In this article we’ll try to help you find the right answer by comparing the pros and cons of direct and online mail marketing. Let’s start by defining both terms.

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